District Faculty Development Winter 2021 Professional Development Events

You are cordially invited to participate in this upcoming district-wide PD event

Counter-Storytelling: An Antiracist Teaching Framework

Facilitators: Ruzeda Fields (student), Amiko Matsuo and Ila de Leon

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021, 2:00-3:30pm

Zoom https://zoom.us/j/99990746012?pwd=OGZpRVlXUVMvWnVvWkkyR0o3UkU5QT09

Workshop Resources

The panelists invite you to participate in re-examining educational theory and practice with a critique of majoritarian narratives that end up in our classrooms. We will look to Solórzano and Yosso’s approach to counter-storytelling as a theoretical underpinning to see the social context of our personal educational stories. This workshop will be an experiential, coalitional, and intersectional space in designing curricula that center the lifeways, histories, languages, and literacies of students of color. We will share theory, storytelling, and poetic modes of expression.


Ruzeda Fields (student), United Student Association Representative, South Seattle College
Amiko Matsuo, Art Faculty, Academic Division, South Seattle College
Ila de Leon, English Language Faculty, South Seattle College  

Please mark your calendar and be there!

For more information, please contact the presenters or Yilin Sun, district Faculty Development @ FD@seattlecolleges.edu